Learn. Teach. Inspire

Live To Inspire Movement

Tam Corbette L is an artist, educator, inspirational speaker, and spiritual adventurer looking to keep things fresh and inspire others. From Texas to California to Vegas, Tam has spread their “Live to Inspire” message all across the country. Through “Live to Inspire,” Tam teaches others to be the fire of change and self-expression everywhere they go. Tam has collaborated with many talented people, has organized art shows, and has led youth behavior workshops, all with the goal of bridging communities. They created a book, a clothing brand, and an art program. Taking inspiration from paintings, music, dance, and all modes of art, their vision is to encourage others to find their inner fire.

Tam also runs their You are the Fire programs, through which they use art to teach confidence to young people. These programs are designed to teach mindfulness through art and to help young people to follow their dreams and become successful artists. They believe confidence and perseverance are key to being a complete person who can #livetoinspire.


Written: Anaia Irish Funtanilla/ David Jamison photo by Mark Hiebert