Learn. Teach. Inspire

Live To Inspire Movement

“You Are The Fire”. Sometimes, in life, it’s not always easy to see ourselves as a powerful flame. For Tam, as far as they can remember, this was a constant struggle. In the early stages of Tam’s journey, Tam faced challenges with self-doubt. As they grew up, the idea that their modest beginnings would control their destiny, felt like an unchangeable truth. Math, reading, and writing in school seemed daunting, at times, even impossible. The words on the pages seemed like a secret code, creating a barrier between them and the vast world of knowledge. 

They felt pressure from societal expectations and their inner voice wasn’t always positive. They remember referring to themselves as “stupid” and at many times, they were under the impression that they were unable to achieve anything. 

Despite these difficulties, Tam discovered many talents and creativity within them. The lowest points became the foundation for a renewed commitment. A soft inner voice prompted them to ask, “Who am I”, and “what positive change can I contribute”? It was this time in their life, that Tam built new habits that fueled their ambition. Tam’s journey to self-discovery began breaking down the walls of negativity surrounding their thoughts. They began replacing echoes of self-limiting beliefs with affirmations of their capabilities. Tam learned a lot while assisting and observing other creatives building their own businesses.Then, a moment of inspiration hit. 

In 2018, Tam felt drawn to paint a mural in downtown Harlingen, Texas, with the words “Live to Inspire” illuminating the wall. As this mural touched the hearts of passersby, They learned to replace the negative thoughts and see all the ways in which they had grown. This mural also reminded themselves of all the hurdles they had overcome, marking this mural as a positive force in Tams’s life as well. The mural doesn’t just symbolize Tam’s journey, it also encourages others to embrace their power and serves as a beacon, a flame, showing the way to happiness and inspiration.

This single project reinforced that believing in oneself sparks movements. The internal fire propels us towards dreams and goals and that was how the company was born and birthed the slogan, “You Are The Fire”. It’s a reminder that, like the ebb and flow of life, happiness requires balance. Tam chooses positivity and consistency in thoughts and actions. This way, they can lead a lively existence. Nurturing the mind, body, and soul through daily practices, Tam found the rhythm of a fulfilled life. Live To Inspire embraces the power of small movements: walking, stretching, yoga, and meditation. This way, one can strengthen not only their body, but also their mind. It is in these moments that one can live to the fullest and savor the journey of becoming the best version of oneself.

Written: Anaia Irish Funtanilla/ David Jamison photo by Mark Hiebert